Wednesday, April 13, 2011

17 Day Diet Program-DR MIKE MORENO

Click Here For Video 17 Day Diet

The 17 Day Diet is a new program from Dr Mike Moreno, a family practitioner from San Diego, California. Moreno specializes in diabetes and diabetic complications. 

17 Day Diet

The 17 Day Diet is a new program from Dr Mike Moreno, a family practitioner from San Diego, California. Moreno specializes in diabetes and diabetic complications. The new diet has featured on Dr Phil, and consequently lead to a surge in interest.
So what's it all about?
The 17 day diet focuses on fast results - suggesting a weight loss of 10-12 pounds in the first 17 days. The diet is comprises 4 primary cycles:
Accelerate (17 days)
Initial rapid weight loss phase - including carbohydrate restriction.
Activate (17 days)
Reset your metabolism through calorie cycling.
Achieve (17 days)
Re-introduces previously restricted foods and aims to develop good eating habits.
Arrive (ongoing)
Maintain goal weight by eating healthfully during the week while enjoying favorite foods on weekends.
The 17 day cycles are intended to reduce the frustration and plateau of a typical dieting experience by switching things around each cycle. Moreno suggests that 17 days is about the optimum period of time to prevent boredom and keep the body guessing.
Won't a lot of the weight I lose be water weight? Yes! And that's awesome, because water is weight too. (p. 4)
Fast Weight Loss
Moreno refers to a recent study (you can find it here) that examines the controversy around rapid weight loss. Traditionally fast weight loss has been viewed as a negative, with many weight loss proponents suggesting that slow weight loss is the only way to go. This study (in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine) suggests the opposite -- that fast weight loss has more short-term and long-term advantages than slower weight loss.
An exercise DVD (for a 17 minute workout) is also available (priced separately).
The book contains recipes that Moreno claims are quite easy to make, but also suggests taking out a delivered meal plan from Bistro MD -- but this can get expensive.
Many people are always on the lookout for the 'next big thing' - the technique or formula that will suddenly make things easy. Weight loss might be simple -- but it is never easy. The essence of the 17 day diet is about mixing up phases of calorie cycling -- which is nothing new. However, I do admire Dr Moreno for taking some new research (about rapid weight loss) and running with it. Our views on diet can become very dogmatic, so when controversial research comes along we often reject it out of hand.
While I believe that Moreno's techniques will lead to the promised weight loss in some people, the holy grail of weight management is behavioral change. This is the big one - and something that self-help books rarely succeed in changing. Cycles of weight loss will never lead to permanent change if there are deeper issues, routines, beliefs, and habits in your life that you fail to address.
Now available from Amazon OR try for a cheaper copy at eBay

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