Saturday, April 23, 2011

Important figures who have no idea on blood


LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein)
Usually called bad cholesterol. This cholesterol is what makes blockage of the arteries.

<159 health, smaller mean better
159 highest normal limit
160-189 unhealthy, you should change your diet and lifestyle
>190 very unhealthy, because risky of stroke or heart disease

HDL (High Density Lipoprotein)
The opposite of LDL, this is the good cholesterol because it carries cholesterol exist in blood vessels to the heart and it will be removed from the body. It would be better if the body has a lot of good cholesterol.
· <40 unhealthy
· >60 health
Total Cholesterol
The amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) and good cholesterol (HDL)
· <200 health
· 200-239 careful
· >240 unhealthy, try to increase the HDL and lower LDL levels
Trigliserida (TG)
The fat that comes from the food consumed, for example of fatty foods or high carbohydrate foods.

· <150 health
· 150-199 careful
· 200-499 unhealthy, limit consumption of fatty foods and increase fibrous foods
· >499 very unhealthy. Talk to your doctor to get a good handling.
Blood Sugar
Excess blood sugar can cause diabetes with a result quite dangerous. The resulting score differ depending on when taking blood.
Sugar levels after fasting
Fasting sugar, taken after a person fasted for at least 8 hours.
· <110 mg/dL health
· 110-125 mg/dL be careful, in the range of this score means that you have pre-diabetes
· >126 mg/dL unhealthy, at this score means that you have diabetes
Sugar levels before fasting
Blood sugar taken at any time without prior fasting.
· <110 mg/dL health
· 110-119 mg/dL careful, including pre-diabetes
· >200 mg/dL unhealthy, at this score means that you have diabetes
Liver Function

To determine liver function is good or not, needs to be done SGOT and SGPT examination which is an enzyme found in liver

Increasing the number of SGOT and SGPT showed something was wrong in liver cells.
SGOT (serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase)
· 0-30 U/I health
· >30 there is something wrong in your liver
SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase)
· 0-45 U/I health
· >45 there is something wrong in your liver
Uric Acid
This disease is caused due to excessive purine substances. You may feel soreness or pain, especially in the joints. Gender affect the number of healthy.
· Male: 3,7 - 7,6 mg/dL
· Female: 2,5 - 6,0 mg/dL
Blood Pressure
Systolic (first number)
· <90 low blood pressure or hypotension
· 90-120 normal
· 120-140 pre-hypertension
· 140-160 stage 1 hypertension
· >160 stage 2 hypertension
Diastolic (second number)
· <60 low blood pressure or hypotension
· 60-80 normal
· 80-90 pre-hypertension
· 90-100 stage 1 hypertension
· >100 stage 2 hypertension

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