Saturday, April 23, 2011

Having sex is not just a physical relationship, but is a union of soul and mind.

Having sex is not just a physical relationship, but is a union of soul and mind.

This activity is a necessity of life that should get a prime spot for those who have officially become husband and wife.

Without sex, life will go empty and dry. But, sometimes one partner is reluctant to serve their partners desire to have sex, because their activities are so dense that makes her feel tired and no longer concerned about sex.

Therefore, sex should not be regarded as routine. As far as possible, both partners (husband and wife) should get pleasure in sex. Thereby, sexual activity into the needs of both sides, so no one feels overwhelmed. Well, so sex can be enjoyed optimally by the husband and wife, here are 10 tips for having sex more exciting for both sides:

Do not overdo the sex. Sparingly. That is, do not force your body condition. Too frequent having sex will reduce the body's vital energy and make the body weak and vulnerable illness.
Sex should always be pure and natural. Means pure, sincere expressions of love between them. While the natural, sex impulse should not be because of coercion. Sex unnatural causes the body vulnerable to various diseases and infections, such as fever, bronchitis, and pneumonia.
Customize your time to making out and having sex. Usually the night is the best.
To achieve maximum pleasure in sex, you have to prepare physically and mentally. The exhausted condition of the body can interfere with sexual intercourse, as well as stress.
Clean yourself before having sex and using fragrances in the body, giving rise to taste (passion) pairs. Also create an atmosphere as comfortable as possible in places that will be used. If necessary accompanied by romantic music.
Do foreplay to taste with mutual praise and touch each other's body erotic points mate.
Next do sex with slowly (do not hurry). Use a variety of sexual positions to get a different sensation of pleasure. Control ejaculation for ejaculation occurs simultaneously with your partner.
After the climax, do not immediately 'disperse'. Keep each other's arms for a while, give your mate a gift with a kiss and whispered praise. After cleaning the body, this phase can continue with foreplay to 'round' second (if physically possible).
Perform sex 'round' second. Usually at first intercourse ('round' first) there is 'something' that has not or did not get done. This time do it, and pleasures will exceed the first.
There are several types of nutritious foods that increase sexual arousal, such as garlic and onions, cashew nuts, almonds and pistachio nuts, or maybe goat satay. These types of foods that can increase stamina to have sex, so there's nothing wrong consumed before sex.

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