Saturday, April 23, 2011

proper way for women to reach orgasm

Achieving orgasm which incredible to be every woman's dream. But in fact, women are often difficult to make it happen.

If you want to succeed to make love tonight, do not miss the following interesting suggestion:

Wake mood and be more creative

To achieve orgasm, the mind and body should be relaxed. Bathing with a "bubble", wearing sexy lingerie, and listen to favorite music is some way that helps you more relaxed before the action begins to make love.

Even your partner will feel comfortable with your actions massaging his body

If you want to immediately reach the climax, you can give a little kiss on the erogenous zones which are often ignored. Inner thighs, back of neck, and shoulders are the perfect place to start.

Enjoy the moment of having sex with your partner

How many times you have sex with your partner but your mind was in elsewhere? You may not experience orgasm, right? An orgasm is not going to happen if your mind is trapped in the care of children, housework, or your job. Concentration lets you build your own pleasure without worrying about the outcome. Try to bury your mind and focus on how your partner makes you quickly reach which incomparable sensation of pleasure.

Prepare a glass of wine

Perhaps, your time is up to caring for children, working and taking care of the household, so there is no intention to think reaching orgasm. To help you relax, try drinking a glass of wine with your partner before to the actual sex act.

Do not panic if you do not reach orgasm

Your body is not the actual machine and you do not like women in adult movies. In real life there are often factors possibilities. Maybe, orgasm can not be achieved because your partner is too tired. But it is reasonable experienced couples. Do not set a final goal to reach climax, because it could be not achieved. Instead, focus on the experience and intimacy with your partner and let things happen naturally.

Communicate openly with your partner

Let your partner know that you're much on my mind so that dream to the climax was not reached. Next, express what you like and continue to work together realizing which beautiful sex. If something bad came to mind, you should talk about. Also, make love when you and he was relaxed enough to enjoy it. By relying on open communication, you and your partner can get a great orgasm.

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