Friday, April 22, 2011

World Heart Federation (WHF) estimates that cardiovascular disease will be a major cause of death in Asia in 2011.

World Heart Federation (WHF) estimates that cardiovascular disease will be a major cause of death in Asia in 2011.

Surely not difficult to reduce the risk of heart disease threat. For starters, you can follow some tips below:

Adjust your diet

Reduce intake of foods such as milk, cheese and nuts. Add garlic to your recipes.
Try eating more foods such as rice, vegetables (green beans, spinach, etc.), fruits, fish, whole grains and yogurt.
Eating foods that contain beta-carotene such as carrots, cabbage and root crops.
Reduce sodium intake, no more than 1 1 / 4 teaspoon salt in a day.
Drink plenty of water.
Change the habit of drinking coffee with tea.

Changing patterns of life and lifestyle

Exercise regularly.

In the beginning, to selected types of mild to moderate intensity exercise such as brisk walking, or bike that carried at least 30 minutes three to five times a week

Get used to using the stairs every want to go up to higher floors.
Do chores such as sweeping, mopping, and cleaning the house in addition to your exercise. Maintain your ideal body weight.
Take advantage of every opportunity to perform physical activity. If you drive a motor vehicle, try to park a little farther from your destination so you get used to walking.
Get plenty of rest. Adjust your daily activity schedule to avoid stress.
Stop smoking and avoid alcohol.
Do it a useful exercise to reduce stress such as relaxation therapy, yoga and meditation. Much laughter is good medicine too.

Check your health regularly

Know history of heart disease and blood vessels in your family tree.
Perform regular medical check up, including in it is to monitor blood pressure and cholesterol of your body.
Take medications that are prescribed by a doctor for you.

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