Saturday, April 23, 2011

You must know-G-Spot

Did you know, many women claimed that an orgasm due to touch on the G-Spot exceed klitorial orgasm?

Yes, many experts believe the truth, although the G-spot is still a controversial thing. Some women say it is an important thing to an orgasm while others say that part really does not exist. Basically, the G-Spot is a medium or complement menu during sex. Women will get extra pleasure when to have it, but does not reduce sexual pleasure in women who do not have it. So this is only the 'attachment '.

G-Spot was originally known as the Grafenberg Spot. Called that because it was first reviewed by a gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg, in 1944. G-Spot is part of the vagina is very sensitive and very easily aroused. In some women, G-Spot is a rather prominent part, if it is touched repeatedly will cause tremendous sensation. But not a few women who can not feel any sensation when the G-spot is touched, and even some women do not have the G-Spot.

G-spot is actually more of an area rather than a point. If you want to find it, feel a part that feels a bit rough, not smooth as any other part of the vaginal wall. That part measuring about 2.5 - 5 cm in the vagina on the front wall. Although the location is different, the G-spot is usually located in the middle between the hip bone and the cervix, about 4.5 centimeters into the vagina. Researchers have found that some women feel more sensitive along the upper vaginal wall, not just at one point.

There are many different theories about what the G-spot or part of what it really is. One opinion says that it is an area of prostate tissue, similar to the prostate in men. Complete with the same sensitivity to the prostate in men.

What should be done on the G-Spot? Experts recommend to insert the index finger as deep as the second segment of the finger and make a call movement with a finger to the front wall of the vagina. Try a few times with the touch and pressure to find which one feels most comfortable. It is very difficult for a woman to explore her G-spot to experience a vaginal orgasm itself. Therefore, with the help of her husband would be very good at finding the G-spot for a woman.

Exploration of the G-spot can be a fun foreplay. During stimulation, the first sensation might be feeling to pee, possibly because the G-spot is located near your bladder. G-Spot can also be stimulated during sexual intercourse, but this depends on the size and location of the G-spot.

Some women who have been surveyed about the G-Spot says that they can ejaculate when the G-spot received a stimulation. Research shows approximately 10% of women released fluid from the urethra during an orgasm. The experts examined this ejaculatory fluid and discovered prostatic enzymes, fits with the theory that the G-spot is similar to the prostate in men. While the group of other scientists who examined this fluid, said if the liquid is almost the same as normal urine, which change their chemical composition during the sexual stimulation. Research on this continues.

Although not all experts agree that the G-spot is in the body of a woman, most people believe that they exist and can be stimulated. It is often classified as the urethral sponge (a soft flat area, approximately one third of the way to the front wall of the vagina and appear when a woman is aroused). This area is pulsing when touched with finger and caused a sensation as an orgasm.

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