Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 6, 2011.- Unfortunately, M24 Digital has to report the death of TV Host and model Patricia Miccio

April 6, 2011.- Unfortunately, M24 Digital has to report the death of TV Host and model Patricia Miccio, a fighter that for ten years had a strong struggle against breast cancer, she even manage to overcome but last year the illness returned and this time took her for ever.
Patricia had said, “I like life too much, I do not like death.”
This year, in Punta del Este, Susana Gimenez went to greet her, when the models turned to the disease and during a long chat Patricia confirmed that “the new chemo is working very well.”
In one of the countless interviews, the model had confessed that “the way how you face cancer is crucial,” “The reality is that I am a chronically ill. Every so often I’ll have some setback like these ones. I have cancer of the glands, which is still breast cancer. I treated it at time, I cured it once, and now that it reappeared again I’ll overcome.”
“Today, all treatments are easier and less aggressive than 20 years ago, that’s the message that I want to give through this article.” “I can come on vacation, make my ‘chemo’ here, go to the beach… I can continue my life.”
“I’ll never give up; I am a volunteer for life. And I’ll win again this disease. I like too much life and I don’t like death… I’m not afraid of it, but it’s not mine.” “Of course, I care. I’m turning 56 in March, and one must be careful. There are those who are depressed, but after so many years you have to know to care, exercise, and eat well. Then life goes on.”
Patricia Miccio will be forever remembered as’ a great fighter for life.
Her remains will be taken this afternoon at Pilar Peace Garden.

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