Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Facebook recently issued a new prodak facebook touch screen(touch screen facebook)

facebook recently issued a new prodak facebook touch screen(touch screen facebook) which is located which facebook has a comparativeadvantage on facebook because the screen faster and more reliable, making it much meyukainya prodak prodakfacebook though in saying this new masi lonching, this prodakdirectly in serbuh by facebook users. But many Indonesian peoplemasi not many who use facebook touch screen maybe next yearpeople will definitely use a touch screen that facebook does have ahigh speed to update the status more quickly loading his blogcertainly faster than the original version http://www.facebook. com /widgets that eliminated many of the advertisements including theburdensome length of loading.

"If facebook touch screen as fast as it makes it easier to chat,make friends, upload photos and we can play facebook not afraidanymore with the lola (slow loading). For those more curious youcan visit facebooknya address.

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